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Education For The Future

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Welcome to Aikya
Waldorf Inspired School

This Holistic learning space is created with the intention of Humanizing Education.

To inculcate the values that allow them to view the world as one single place or see themselves as world Citizens.

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At the heart of Waldorf education lies the belief that nature is the greatest teacher. The curriculum reflects this ethos by incorporating a rich tapestry of nature-centric activities and lessons. From the early years in kindergarten, where children engage in outdoor play and gardening, to the later grades, where ecological studies and outdoor projects take center stage, Waldorf students develop a deep understanding and appreciation for the natural world.

Lessons are often structured to align with the rhythm of the seasons, allowing students to witness and participate in the cyclical patterns of nature. Whether it's planting seeds in spring, observing the metamorphosis of butterflies in summer, harvesting in autumn, or hibernation in winter. 

At Aikya we prioritize outdoor education, recognizing the importance of direct contact with nature for a child's physical, emotional, and intellectual development.  We practice biodynamic farming, an approach that views the farm as a living organism. Students participate in planting, tending, and harvesting crops, fostering a sense of responsibility for the Earth and a recognition of the interconnectedness of all life. Learning resources and play things are derived from natural materials. Children learn to identify and creatively play from seeds, twigs and leaves to make their own toys.


Emotional Resilience

Embedded within the Waldorf educational ethos is a profound commitment to fostering the social and emotional development of our students.

Community engagement, a cornerstone of Waldorf education, takes on a central role in our holistic approach. Students are encouraged to take on various roles and tasks within the community, cultivating a sense of commitment beyond the confines of the traditional classroom. Through these experiences, they gain insights not only into the intricacies of collaboration but also into the importance of their individual contributions to sustaining a vibrant and interconnected community.

Crucially, Waldorf education places a strong emphasis on values such as reciprocity, conflict resolution, and cooperative problem-solving. Students learn not only to give and receive but also to navigate differences with respect and understanding, fostering a harmonious and collaborative community spirit.

IAt AIKYA education is a comprehensive endeavor to equip students with not only academic proficiency but also with the essential life skills needed for success in a diverse and interconnected world. Through this immersive and expansive educational experience, we strive to empower our students to become not just knowledgeable individuals but compassionate, resilient, and socially conscious contributors to society.

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Top benefits of handwork

In Waldorf education, handwork transcends a mere skill acquisition; it is a holistic approach nurturing intellectual, emotional, and physical development. Integrating handwork into the curriculum enriches the educational experience, offering students a multifaceted journey. including:
1. Fine Motor Skills
2. Cognitive Development
3. Patience and Perseverance
4. Mathematical Concepts
5. Focus and Concentration
6. Creativity and Self-Expression
7. Sensory Awareness
8. Integration of Mind and Body
9. Cultural and Historical Understanding
10. Emotional Well-being and Stress Reduction


Why Aikya

This system has been around for over a century now and has been instrumental to many in overcoming the trauma and tragedies of the devastating World wars and their aftermath.

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